Change is good, but transformation is even better. I saw this sign in the Minneapolis Airport returning from my last keynote of the year in Cincinnati. Have you looked back in the past year at your life or business to see which one you have created? In a nutshell, Change fixes the past and Transformation creates the future. First let us look at the meaning of each. Keep in mind there are a lot of different levels that could be defined, but let’s think in business relation. I believe that Change, Transformation and even Innovation are all somewhat related and even motivate each other.
Change is to make or become different. In business we may need to change the way we do business, to adapt to changing environments, so we don’t go out of business. Your future is an improved version of your past. The key thing to remember is, change
is not loyal. You can change back at anytime. That’s why in
Opportunity Rocks we say, ”
Rockstars drive change, not ride it.” If you drive change or create it, then you border with transformation.
Lynne Twist award winning author of The Soul Of Money says, “
Transformation never makes the past wrong. It transforms it. It doesn’t deny it. It honors it in a way that you can move forward without making anything wrong, and having the past somehow now become complete, rather than wrong. Transformation has a permanence to it – where once you transform, once you awaken, once you see the stations you didn’t see before, you can’t go back. Transformation has the ultimate power of time, and what the world is crying for now is transformation, not necessarily more change, though some change may be a part of it, the route to transformation. Transformation suddenly makes the past make sense, and new futures open up.”
So in order to transform we will need change, but you can’t go back. It’s a whole new world, person, business, or product. In order to get there, we now become thought leaders. We ask different questions, to our teams and ourselves. Business rockstars and music rockstars will need to be visionaries to see and even create the big picture or the lollapalooza.
Here are some questions you might want to ask.
- What is your current situation?
- What is happening in your surroundings which you can’t control, but would affect your business?
- What is at risk if you don’t change and if you do change?
- Do you and your team agree on the future you want to create?
- Does all of your team agree on the vision and plan to leave your current situation and the journey to your new future with no turning back?
After you have honestly answered these questions the next thing to do is get everyone on board in your whole organization with the goal or your new core value and get them excited about it. Then ”Party Like A Rock Star” and start taking massive amounts of action.
It’s been well over a year since I left my 4 year headlining gig at the Rock Of Ages inspired Bourbon Room in the Venetian. It was like a paid vacation after over 17 years as a touring corporate emcee, entertainer and speaker. What a great experience on customer service, customer engagement and customer loyalty. My next keynote will be on what I learned from my experiences and how we went from $0 to almost 7 million in the first year. When I knew it was about time to end my paid vacation, I asked myself the above five questions and realized it was a time of transformation for me. That journey began with a leap of faith to leave that security blanket to phase out Marvelless Mark the entertainer and focus 100% on Mark Kamp the Keynote Speaker, Author, and Business Rock Star. It’s transformation in the making, but I saw the need to change the past to create a new and different future.
Success happens to those who take the most Action. Change and transformation happens to organizations and people who take the most action, everyday.
Are you or your business on track heading from caterpillar to butterfly?
Let’s all commit to a business jam session or mastermind meeting, become new thought leaders by asking better questions, and see where we need to go. I look forward to connecting next time. For now, Rock on!
Mark Kamp
aka Marvelless Mark,
The Business Rockstar is an Author, International Keynote Speaker, and Customer & Engagement Guru
Click Here to learn more about Marvelless Mark