How will jury duty help your business? Who loves jury duty? What’s not to love, right? Just think of the networking and interesting people you will meet. It’s fun, convenient, and the pay is great. NOT!
Most people would not agree. In fact, when you mention jury duty, it never seems to be a positive conversation; typically, someone has a great story of how they got out of their responsibility. I received my call for duty a few weeks ago. At first, I was tempted to postpone, cancel, blow off or even get a Dr’s note. Then, the little voice inside told me to suck it up and embrace it. Man, was I glad I did! I got up early that morning and picked out some conservative clothes, (which is difficult for me to do) grabbed my computer, some snacks and headed to the courthouse. After parking and walking a few blocks toward the entrance, I began to see the amazing characteristics of people heading to the same place as me. (Seems like the lawyers all shop at the same store) As I entered the building and stood in line at the metal detector, someone had forgotten to take their metal objects out of their pockets, lines began to form for the elevators and counter where traffic violations are paid. Once inside the holding room with the other potential jurors, someone who looked important gave us a speech, played a video, showed us how to check in, and how to not make the judge angry. Then they said something and it really struck a nerve with me. “
It’s your constitutional right to a trial. It’s one of the privileges of being an American. With those rights comes responsibility.” Boom, Mic Drop!! I thought about that for a second, and then realized it’s that way with just about everything. The constitution allows us to do just about anything. To work for someone, start our own business, get married, be a husband or a wife, to be a father or a mother. To be as rich and successful as we want to be. It is one of the privileges of being an American and with those rights comes responsibility.
So most of us will do just about anything to protect our family, our marriage, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, our business, and to a certain degree even the business of someone we work for. So why are we so down and out about jury duty? Why do some make up bogus or lame excuses to get out of it? Some of the examples I heard- One guy said he had to pick up his wife from the airport. One said he was going to propose that day. One said she didn’t like people, and one even said they don’t agree with the law.
So what does jury duty have to do with business? What a great band inside the courthouse. One of my chapters of
Opportunity Rocks compares your business or team to a band, how important it is for your band to have the same dream or vision, to surround yourself with “like minded” people, create and drive the change and not be afraid to take the necessary actions to get things done.
Even as a
keynote speaker in Las Vegas or anywhere in the world that I may speak there are three key elements to keeping the band running smoothly. First, put the band first.
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith said, “
As good as I am, I am nothing without my band.” He knew the band came first. Second, honor everyone’s unique abilities and contributions. It doesn’t matter if you’re the judge who is the drummer setting the tone and pace for the rest to follow, or the attorneys who would serve as the rhythm section to start to make the song come together, or the bailiff and court reporters who would be the bass players. The bass players don’t always get noticed but the song would be pretty lame without it.
Don’t forget the voice or lead singer, who would be the county court clerk briefing the audience of fans and sending out the summons. The problem is this great band is trying to give someone a fair trial, but the fans are not always loyal. By fans I mean the citizens called to serve. In order for the system to work, we all have to be on board and committed. Just like in business! Your company or team is only as good as the weakest link. So if you want to make your sales goals, deliver a quality product, or offer the best customer service, then you need to make sure your team is engaged, committed, and motivated. As a
motivational speaker, I believe you cannot manufacture motivation, but you can unleash it. That’s the secret of being a business rock star, and that’s what we help teams and businesses do. Find and unleash their inner rock star. It’s your duty, right, and obligation to play full out in everything you do. Even jury duty in the courtroom, or the jury duty that you sometimes have to do as a business owner or employee. You need to make your uncomfortable zone, your comfort zone. When you get better your teams will become better. When your teams get better your customers get better and more loyal. Just like we have to protect our judicial system so that everyone who is entitled to a fair trial gets one, so must we protect our business, our family’s and our rights. So the next time you get a jury duty summons in the mail, ask yourself, would I want to work for someone or have someone working for me that is willing to make up lame excuses or lie? Would I want them working for me or with me? What you do in your personal life reflects your business life, and vice versa. A true rock star gives his all no matter what, and if something gets in the way, the show doesn’t stop, you find a way to keep on going.
My name is Marvelless Mark and I approve this message. Please like and share this post but more importantly stop complaining and own it.
Marvelless Mark Kamp is a keynote entertainer who works with companies who want killer openings and closing keynotes using the business secrets of rock stars.
Rock on,
The Business Rockstar is an Author, International Keynote Speaker, and Customer & Engagement Guru
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